Why Website File Names Matter

What we name files on our website may seem like a trivial matter. Yet any time spent on a shared network drive will highlight the importance of naming conventions and organization. Here are several reasons your website file names matter, as well as guidelines for creating a naming convention for you.

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Creating an Effective About Us Page for your Church

The About Us page may seem unimportant to you and your church leadership. Everyone wants to focus on posting the latest news and events. Yet without an effective explanation of your church’s story, you may be losing out on new members. The message you broadcast in this section is essential to building trust. Here are several factors to consider when creating it.

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6 Ways to Turn Conferences into Meaningful Content

Training conferences are a great way to learn the latest trends and network with other professionals. They can also be a big investment for any church budget. No matter who attends, there are ways to turn that conference into great digital content. Here are 6 ideas for anyone attending a conference to create great content afterward.

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Stop Bullying Users

The benefit of digital ministry is that you can track every click. Remember that those numbers are people. This article explores practices you need to avoid. Shaming and bullying should not be in your digital toolbox. Pushing up numbers can be at the expense of a good experience. The easiest way to see them is through real-world examples.

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Optimizing Church Landing Pages

One of the most important tools a church has on its website are landing pages. Social media shares and paid advertisements often drive traffic to a landing page. Those landing pages inform and persuade users to take action. Here is an updated article on this most important of page types.

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Why You Need to Know the Difference Between Benefits and Features

Like a good sermon, the message of your website must relate to your audience. They need to know why your church is right for them. Do this with a mix of benefits and features. Unfortunately, we often confuse them and use them in the wrong context. In this article, I review what benefits and features are. Then I give an example of how to use them on your church’s website.

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What Church Communications Can Learn from Comics

The stories in comic books have evolved over the past few decades. They started as short books for young kids. Now they are the most popular movie franchises. This art form has grown and gained new levels of respect. See what helped it gain popularity and what makes it unique. Also, discover what church communications can learn from it.

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Outdated Terms To Stop Using

Part of understanding an industry is learning its culture. A direct reflection of that culture is its language. The computer industry and its language have changed dramatically since the mid-1990s. Correctly using words gives you credibility and removes distractions. Words on your website or social media platforms are even more important. As we move into a new year, change how messaging and catch up with the times.

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Creating Sustainable Digital Ownership

Website are not updated, and social media accounts sit dormant. What can you do to get that lagging ministry invested in their digital properties? Build half the property yourself. Then work with ministry leaders to develop the other half. Develop a schedule and ask your leadership to help create a strong sense of digital ownership.
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Can Your Content be Weaponized?

Words and images can hurt. Those originating by our friends and family can hurt more. And those that have the supposed backing of religion can be devastating. Curate your digital ministry’s content to prevent these kinds of scars. This article goes into various ways your well-meaning content can lead to pain.
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Steps to Fix a Broken Website

This article has no tricks or shortcuts to fix a broken website. What it has is a method for fixing the most common problems over the coming months. You will still need to publish and update content. These steps make great side projects. So with regular effort, you will overcome your looming challenge and have a fantastic church website!
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