Outdated Terms To Stop Using

Part of understanding an industry is learning its culture. A direct reflection of that culture is its language. The computer industry and its language have changed dramatically since the mid-1990s. Correctly using words gives you credibility and removes distractions. Words on your website or social media platforms are even more important. As we move into a new year, change how messaging and catch up with the times.

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Updating and Validating Personas

After creating your initial draft of personas, you need to confirm your guesses. I know you already did this with internal ministry leaders. But this is with actual users. Validating personas against users should uncover interesting details your ministry leaders missed. Or you may uncover larger problems. Regardless, you will better understand how people use your digital ministries.

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CWS Podcast – Ep. 31: Inspiration from a Conversation

cws_podcastI started this podcast with an episode about conversations, and workplace experience compelled to revisit the topic. Often everyday experiences can be leveraged for writing. In this case, I gained inspiration from a conversation, and the questions that arose from it made me think about what can be lost in translation. The weakest form of communication, writing, is what we primarily rely on for our websites. A renewed focus on your church website’s content will help improve your message, and further the Gospel.
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CWS Podcast – Ep. 2: Websites and Conversations

cws_podcastI found it fitting to base this episode on the first article I wrote, “Your Website Is A Conversation“. This article introduces the idea that when someone visits your church, they hopefully have a conversation. Also, when someone visits your website, they are engaging in a conversation very similar to those physical visits to a church.
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Do Not Just Retain, Recruit!

At the beginning of every worship service, my church welcomes all of the new visitors; regardless if they know of any visitors or not. Sometimes we even applaud for them. Many church podcasts that I listen to also make a point to welcome all of their listeners. What does your website do to welcome new visitors? Do you simply have a statement that says “Welcome to our church”, or do you structure your site so that their needs are immediately met with lots of information and content?

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Have a Purpose on Social Media

Communicating on social media platforms is like talking. If your conversations do not have a purpose, are not engaging, or are just plain boring; you soon will not have an audience. To keep your viewers engaged, be purposeful with all your social media posts. Read on for several ways you can engage them!
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Equip Your Members and Engage the World

The first time I tried to take the Gospel into the world was very scary. I was in my early teens and was handing out flyers for my church’s Vacation Bible School. We decided to target our surrounding neighborhood, going door-to-door with small pamphlets. I recall only one feeling, fear. What if they want to talk to me? What do I say? I was ill prepared to say the least. My hope is that you utilize your church’s website to better prepare your members for engaging the world in a discussion about Jesus.

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Social Media Marketing Vs. Social Media Engagement

Many questions arise when a church decides to do that “social media thing”. Who should your church market to, what platforms are the best, how should they push content, and why should they respond to their audience? These and many other questions can be answered by creating a two-pronged attack plan that deals with social media marketing and social media engagement.
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Inspiration from a Conversation

I started this blog with an article about conversations, and I feel compelled to revisit the topic. Often everyday experiences can be leveraged for writing. In this case, a quick conversation and questions that arose from it made me think about what can be lost in translation. The weakest form of communication, writing, is what we primarily rely on for our websites. A renewed focus on your church website’s content may help improve your message, and further the Gospel.

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Always ask WIFM?

When discerning the future of your church, many people would suggest asking yourself “What Would Jesus Do?”, or WWJD? When designing your webs site, you need to consider it from your user’s perspective. One question they are undoubtedly asking is WIFM?, or “What’s In It For Me?” Your website should always be communicating the value that your church and a Christ-centered life can provide them.

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Creating a Great Contact Us Page

Your church has an awesome looking website and published great content… so where is the tidal wave of new members? Perhaps people are finding your site and are very interested, but they cannot connect with you. The primary conversion point on most service oriented websites is the “Contact Us” page. By optimizing that page with multiple options, you remove the barriers that hold some people back from reaching out to you.
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Let Love Shine on Your Church Web Site

Although the drivers for my ideas and topics for this blog come from secular sources; you must not forget that your church’s website is a marketing tool for the Kingdom of God. Just like how Jesus commanded us to be different from the world, so must your website. E-commerce sites do everything they can to highlight key features a product. One key feature of Christianity is Christ’s love, so show it on your website in as many ways as possible.
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