The internet is a dangerous place for churches. Scandals often start and end online. This article is not to encourage you to follow these types of stories. Nor is it meant to fan their flames. Be cautious with how you conduct your church business online and how you respond to scandals. Religion is often a scapegoat for inflammatory situations. Keep your cool, follow these steps, and rely on scripture for your inspiration.
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Social media is the most effective way to spread the world of your digital ministries. These articles outline social media ideas, tips, guidance, and policies your church should consider implementing.
6 Ways to Turn Conferences into Meaningful Content
Training conferences are a great way to learn the latest trends and network with other professionals. They can also be a big investment for any church budget. No matter who attends, there are ways to turn that conference into great digital content. Here are 6 ideas for anyone attending a conference to create great content afterward.
Continue reading “6 Ways to Turn Conferences into Meaningful Content”Jumpstart your Social Media Presence
Many churches have a presence on social media. But how do you start something new? Or what is more common, how do you revive an old account? The feeling of hopelessness may be overwhelming. Here are some tips to combat that and jump start a new or old social media property.
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Can Your Content be Weaponized?
Words and images can hurt. Those originating by our friends and family can hurt more. And those that have the supposed backing of religion can be devastating. Curate your digital ministry’s content to prevent these kinds of scars. This article goes into various ways your well-meaning content can lead to pain.
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Finding the Tipping Point for Digital Ministries
The concept of “going viral” is not new to the Internet. Many news stories, videos, and images have all enjoyed their few moments of online fame. Yet how do you do the same for your digital ministries? In this article I will summarize one aspect of how things become popular; the people involved.
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Appreciating Social Media Logistics
You often do not think about how the tomato in your grocery store got there. You are just happy to have tomatoes. The same goes for social media posts. There are typically many people involved in posting content. Use the information here to help others understand just how complex the journey is for your social media posts.
Avoiding Your Digital Ministry Wilderness
Have you tried to get a new digital ministry started, only to have it shot down? I am sure there were many reasons why. That platform is dangerous. We do not have any time to waste. Our congregation does not use the Internet. Despite the arguments, there are steps you can take to overcome adversity.
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Your Social Media Miranda Rights
Social media can be a fantastic tool to promote the message of the Gospel. It can also be a weapon used against the church. This can be a result of poor security practices. It can also be a post that is sent by mistake. You may not have any real rights on the Internet. But this article provides guidelines you should follow using the famous Miranda Rights.
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Taking Marketing Too Far At Your Church
In many articles I liken your church’s digital strategy to that of an advertising firm. You are indeed showing the world why a relationship with God in Christ is great. Next you show them why your church may be a good fit for helping. But using trickery or marketing gimmicks to get people onto your website is just wrong. You want social media engagement, not just more clicks. Here are four things your teams should avoid using.
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Using Digital Tools to Celebrate Anniversaries
Anniversaries matter. They serve as a reminder of milestones in our lives. From birthdays to wedding anniversaries, we celebrate stages in our life. Your church needs to celebrate faith journey milestones with your members. This is easier than it sounds, especially with digital tools and social media.
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Navigating Dangerous Digital Spaces
Mission workers often find themselves in dangerous situations and places. In fact we find that responses to the Gospel are quite plentiful in the midst of adversity. This is true in the digital world as well. Some digital spaces have a reputation for helping us sin. The Internet has many pits waiting for us. From pornography to dating sites specifically made for having an affair. Yet the opportunity to reach people is too great to ignore it. Here are a few places your church could shine a light into.
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Six Social Media Content Types for your Church
The biggest pitfall churches fall into with social media is posting only event announcements. Of course you want to let your followers know about your upcoming spaghetti dinner. But those kinds of updates is not what it is all about. I discuss six types of content you can post to your website, social media, and email newsletters. Done well, they should drive traffic and increase engagement.
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