The ABC’s of AB Testing

Decisions based on personal opinions, speculation, or hearsay can often lead to disaster. An objective test can help when you need the best solution. One easy and effective test used in the digital world is the AB test. It is literally a test where a participant selects one of two options. This article will help you formulate a solid plan for your test. There are plenty of fancy tools you can use. Yet without a solid plan, your test will only set you up for failure. Given the cost of some tests, that is a loss you want to avoid.

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Breaking Down Silos: Digital Experiences

Visitors rarely visit just one of your digital platforms. They might start on social media, then move to your website. A member might get an email newsletter, and proceed to a landing page to sign up for an event. They should move between spaces with ease and without interruptions. Breaks in that process will confuse and possibly turn away potential members. Here are several ways to remove those silos for your church’s various digital experiences.
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Breaking Down Silos: Analog Experiences

When you break down silos, information and ideas flow from one thing to the next. Experiences do not always start or end with your church website. Many of you have called for a product or service, only to get transferred from one person to another. Every time you needed to re-explain your situation. It is obvious that the company you are dealing with thought about seamless experiences. This article will provide tools and advice on how to avoid these situations at your church.
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Style Guides and your Church

A style guide is an essential tool for unifying your church’s website, social media presence, and email campaigns. It establishes all the small pieces of your church brand. It not only helps you understand everything your have, it informs all future web projects. You can even use it for design elements in your physical spaces!
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Optimizing Buttons

We all use buttons in our digital assets. They are our most critical element in creating a call to action. We want people to subscribe, join, download, and give. We are even so demanding to put “now!” with those requests. Yet we often miss the mark. We design and place buttons in ways that make them difficult to understand. Use these four tips to create the best buttons for your website and social media platforms.
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Curating Empathy on Social Media

Show empathy when publishing content to your digital platforms. Failing to do so can result in problems that range from humorous to downright offensive. It is easy to schedule posts for your website and social media channels. Yet I caution you to review your posts before they go live. Add a personal touch that will prevent mistakes and add authenticity.

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Creating a Great Church Intranet

What makes a great intranet for churches? The answer is deceptively easy. A great intranet helps church staff solve problems quickly and efficiently. By designing a great intranet, you highlight the many tasks and applications at your staff’s disposal. Plus your volunteer and paid workforce will see you are willing to invest in them and not just your ministries. This article delves into five area of focus to create a great church intranet.
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Creating a Customer-Centered Theology

A customer-centered theology for your digital ministries helps all aspects of your church. When you put the organization first, you put your customers second. I know you need resources to function. Yet, when you put your customers first, you will succeed in maturing your existing congregation as well as adding to it. The best part is that your digital ministries can help create a customer-centered theology. This is because digital assets, once created, can be copied and shared indefinitely. But that is just the beginning of all the ways you can better serve your audiences.
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Experience A New Church

The fastest way to understand your target audience, is to become them. If you want to reach church visitors, take a Sunday and be one. Do not just attend a friend’s church service. Begin your search with online research. Explore their social media presence. Then attend a service and see how well they integrate digital media. As you form your opinions, document your thoughts. Take these notes with you and see where you can improve your own church.
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Fixing the Perception of Time

Have you ever heard of the three click rule? It states that all content on your website needs to be within three clicks of the home page. Thankfully many people realize that this “rule” is a myth. The number of clicks does not frustrate a user. It is the inability to find the answers to the question they have. When a visitor lands on your website, they want their questions answered as soon as possible. This article will explore ways to reduce the time it takes to direct visitors to the answers they seek.
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CWS Podcast – Ep. 73: Church Website Donations: Influencing the Outcome

cws-podcast-logoWhen you ask for donations on your church website, it matters as to how much you ask for. By pairing a suggested donation amount with a type of donation, you not only influence how many people give, but how much they finally give. I will explore methods and explain how they can be best utilized.
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CWS Podcast – Ep. 72: Donations on your Church Website: Types of Donations

cws-podcast-logoChurches need financial resources to operate. One way to solicit those resources is via your church website. To craft an enjoyable giving experience, you need to account for all of the types of giving, as well as what motivated people to give. In this episode I will delve into what kind of donations you need to consider. Each has unique aspects; including motivation and expected outcomes.
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