The Power of Checklists in Church Communications

Checklists are essential for consistent execution of any communications projects. They help even the most seasoned professional remember every step in a process. Even the most experienced staff member needs to stay on track. Do you think otherwise? Consider pilots and surgeons. These highly-skilled professionals use the power checklists to ensure mistakes are not made. This article delves into several ways checklists can help your team succeed.

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What Net Promoter Score Means to Church Communications

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a popular method of gauging success. Many companies use it to determine how good their company and products are. It is based on one very important question we need to answer. Would you recommend this to a friend or colleague? In this article, I delve into this statistic, as well as why it may or may not be right for your church.

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The ABC’s of AB Testing

Decisions based on personal opinions, speculation, or hearsay can often lead to disaster. An objective test can help when you need the best solution. One easy and effective test used in the digital world is the AB test. It is literally a test where a participant selects one of two options. This article will help you formulate a solid plan for your test. There are plenty of fancy tools you can use. Yet without a solid plan, your test will only set you up for failure. Given the cost of some tests, that is a loss you want to avoid.

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CWS Podcast – Ep. 54: Can I Have a Minute of your Time?

cws-podcast-logoIn today’s hectic schedules and busy lives, it is often hard to take a step back and examine things from a distance. However, I bet you can find a few people that can spare one minute to review a page on your church website. One minute of questions can provide some low hanging fruit; which offer huge returns for minor fixes and edits.
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The Benefits of a Website Sandbox

Sandboxes are an amazing place for children to play. They can dig, build, explore, and imagine so many things. As a child, castles, caves, and racetracks were some of my favorite creations. Yet I never recall being upset that those creations would crumble in a few days. It was the journey, not the destination that was the fun part. Websites are all too often the exact opposite. It is a rush to build the site and exploring ideas is often viewed as wasted effort. This article advocates the use of a website sandbox; a space to let imagination run wild and God’s creative spirit to flourish.

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Re-Think Content: Conversion Paths

When you talk to someone who has questions about Christianity; you do not spout off the entire Gospel, hoping to convert them right there on the spot. Unfortunately many websites do just this. They do not understand that just like an eCommerce site, you need to build interest, trust, and value before you can ask for any level of commitment from a website user.
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Can I have a minute of your time?

In today’s hectic schedules and busy lives, it is often hard to take a step back and examine things from a distance. However, I bet you can find a few people that can spare one minute to review a page on your church website. One minute of questions can provide low hanging fruit; which offer huge returns for minor fixes and edits.
Continue reading “Can I have a minute of your time?”