Online Telephones Vs. Megaphones

Do your website and social media posts sound more like a megaphone or a telephone? Megaphones are devices to communicate with the masses. Yet they lack that personal touch. What can your church do to have more interactions that resemble a telephone? Read on and find out how to make your content connect on a personal level.
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How Your Church Can Use Social Media Marketing

Many social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter started out with no solid business model. They were homegrown startups dreamed up by people who wanted to enable something amazing. Soon millions of people engaged with each other via these outlets. To create a sustainable business model, it became a “pay to play” world for businesses. In this article I will discuss what this new realm of social media marketing is. I will explore what types exists, and what your church can do to get the most out of them.
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A Social Media Sabbath

Churches want their congregation to use social media to promote their sermons and events. Some even post special hashtags to encourage you to share without hesitation. While “live tweeting” during a message can be beneficial, some think we need to take a break. This article will outline situations where a break from social media may be quite beneficial.
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Church Personality and Humor on the Web

The CIA’s first post on Twitter got over hundred 75,000 favorites. The FBI’s first use of Twitter got one favorite. One of these organizations used humor, and one did not. If a government agency charged with safeguarding the United States’ secrets can be funny, so can your church. Your church personality and humor can live and breathe on your website and social media outlets. This article will show how and where you can use tasteful comedy to show your brand and culture.
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Giving Thanks via your Church Website

Giving thanks for our many blessings is a posture we can all stand to take. Use your website and social media to show your church’s thankfulness. Are you looking for some inspiration? Consider members, staff, your congregation, and youth for inspiration. There are many groups that want to express their thanks to you, the church, and to God. Let their message shine on your website and on social media platforms.
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Crowdsourcing Your Church’s Popularity

Search engines are about connecting people to content. If they have a question, the search engine attempts to find the best content to answer that question. It may be a website page, a video, or a profile on social media. While content should be relevant, it also helps if it is popular. You may think you have no control over your popularity. Yet, I will show you a few techniques that can help your status rise among churches in your area. Continue reading “Crowdsourcing Your Church’s Popularity”

CWS Podcast – Ep. 64: Leaving a Digital Legacy

cws-podcast-logoOften churches take donations to purchase flowers for the altar; and a dedication is mentioned in the bulletin that week. Other churches may have a fundraiser where members purchase a brick that is inscribed with a loved one’s name. Tributes and memorials are way to honor and remember important people in our lives. Why not tie in your website so that memorials also live in the digital space. So how can you preserve a digital legacy? There are several options I will explore in this episode, including a memorial section, microsites, and even social media
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Serving a Balanced Diet of Content

You would not serve your family the same meal week after week. Consequently, do not always serve the same content to your website and social media audiences. You need a mix of content, each with a different goal. You also serve different meals at certain times of the day. Be purposeful with the time of day you publish your content. By serving a balanced diet of content, you have better results and do not burn out your audience.
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Equipping Parents and Teens for Social Media

Developing strong youth ministries is a priority at many churches today. Exploring social media ministry is a priority as well. Yet the combination of the teens on social media could prove to be dangerous. I suggest equipping parents and teens for social media, and its potential pitfalls. How can your church accomplish this? I feel the answer starts with well-educated parents, sound guidelines, and enforced policies. These will all help protect children while advancing your online ministries.
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CWS Podcast – Ep. 59: Timing is Everything

cws-podcast-logoTiming is everything in comedy, and also church web marketing. If you can guess when your customers will be online, you can more effectively market to them. Whether it be Email or social media, there are several ways we can use demographic information to increase the number of clicks our communications get.

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Promoting Church Events Online

From fundraisers to social events to conferences; churches host a lot of events. Many events benefit the church coffers, others drive membership, and hopefully all help the local community. The question here is how can your website help? The easy answer is content creation and propagation. This article will give you the more detailed answer that integrates your content with the tools and services you need for promoting church events.
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CWS Podcast – Ep. 58: Getting Your Content Out There

cws-podcast-logoThe primary motivation for viewing a website is to consume content. That content may exist to inform, persuade, or compare; but it should have a purpose that is aligned with an overall web strategy. Yet regardless of your intent or your audience not everyone will wish to consume this content just on your website. By providing multiple mechanisms to view it, you maximize your audience exposure and increase the odds of adding new members to your church.
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