CWS Podcast – Ep. 32: Getting Started: From Clueless to Colors

cws-podcast-logoIn this episode, I walk you through some for getting started with your church website, or that next big re-design. This is good preparation regardless if you are using internal resources, or an external team to build your website. These steps do not need to be accomplished in this order, but this is what I consider to be the most efficient with the least amount of re-work.
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CWS Podcast – Ep. 31: Inspiration from a Conversation

cws_podcastI started this podcast with an episode about conversations, and workplace experience compelled to revisit the topic. Often everyday experiences can be leveraged for writing. In this case, I gained inspiration from a conversation, and the questions that arose from it made me think about what can be lost in translation. The weakest form of communication, writing, is what we primarily rely on for our websites. A renewed focus on your church website’s content will help improve your message, and further the Gospel.
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CWS Podcast – Ep. 30: Websites for a Multi-Church Ministry

cws_podcastWhen you think of church ministries and websites, you probably thought of one church website housing information about multiple ministries. It is a rare gem to find multiple churches partnering to support one single ministry. Even more rare is multi-church ministry with a good website to support it. So how do you handle this sometimes politically charged task of creating and managing a site that has multiple hands in it? This episode will examine some possible approaches to this delicate matter.
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CWS Podcast – Ep. 29: SEO for Churches

cws_podcastUnlike the movie, if you build it, they do not always come. The novelty of the web has worn off and the fact that your church has a website will not make you unique anymore. You need to be easily found; and with all of the church websites out there, high rankings in a search engine is your best bet. So how can you bubble to the top of search engine rankings? Last episode I talked about some proactive measures you can take to get yourself known, however there are plenty of strategic decisions and tactical actions you can take that will give your site the high-ranking it deserves.
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CWS Podcast – Ep. 28: Get Your Church Known

cws_podcastJust having a church website is not enough today. You need to be proactive in your quest to get your church seen and heard on the internet. So what methods can you use to accomplish this? I propose you initially cove three primary bases; search engines, mapping services, and social media. These three are often very entangled, so spearheading efforts on all of them at once is often very easy and can generate awesome synergy to get your church known to the rest of the Internet.
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CWS Podcast – Ep. 27: Take Something Away

cws_podcastIn this episode, I explore the design concept that sometimes, “less is more”. That maybe your next church website redesign includes taking something away from a page rather than adding another feature or callout. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. We are often afraid that if we take a link away, we are removing a path to content. Unless you are arbitrarily cut off branches of your primary navigation, you should be fine. Perhaps when you remove that extra clutter of the ad asking members to join your choir, the button taking the visitor to the membership form becomes more obvious and enticing.
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CWS Podcast – Ep. 26: Always ask WIFM?

cws_podcastWhen discerning the future of your church, many people would suggest asking yourself “What Would Jesus Do?” When designing your webs site, you need to consider it from your user’s perspective. One question they are undoubtedly asking is not WWJD, but WIFM?, or “What’s In It For Me?” Constantly asking this question when reviewing new features of your website ads you in communicating the real value that your church and a Christ-centered life can provide them.
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CWS Podcast – Ep. 25: Brochures Vs Websites

cws_podcastIn this episode, I will compare and contrast content specific differences you should consider when migrating content from the print world to the digital. The first action many churches take when creating a new website is to examine all of their printed material and simply migrate it to this new electronic format. Please do not make this mistake, as your church website should not be an electronic brochure you can hand people. First, there are many limitations brochures have that websites do not. The way we interact and consume content on the web is far different than a brochure.
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CWS Podcast – Ep. 24: Tips for Multi-Site Church Websites

cws_podcastIn this episode, I will examine four key considerations for multi-site churches, or churches wishing to move to a multi-site model. Multi-site churches are different from traditional single-site churches, as your website should present a mix of both unity and diversity to effectively reach its intended audiences. Finding that balance for multi-site church websites is easier than you think when you consider the marketing approaches taken by companies with multiple product lines.
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CWS Podcast – Ep. 23: Content Strategy Document

cws_podcastIn this episode I will briefly explain what a content strategy document is, and how it can help you craft a more effective website for your church. The definition seems fairly self-explanatory based on the name, a document that outlines the strategy you will take for your website’s content. However, I feel it is more than that. You should also be tracking who will be responsible for creating and maintaining said content, as well as other meta data that helps ensure your content is relevant and up to date. Steps I will recommend are:
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CWS Podcast – Ep. 22: Creating Your Church Website Navigation

cws_podcastAside from what should be on your church website’s homepage, few things are harder than determining what the navigation structure should be. It is not only a technical decision, but a business decisions, and in some cases a political decision. Your primary navigation shapes how people use your site and ultimately how easily they can find information on it. By applying some basic information architecture principles you can come up with a structure that fits your individual church and utilizes common practices on the web. Topics include:
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CWS Podcast – Ep. 21: Web Team Meetings (Part 3): Dealing with HIPPOs

cws_podcastIn two previous episodes I discussed who to invite and what to do during your web team meetings. However one touchy subject not yet covered is that of dealing with a HIPPO or Highest Paid Person’s Opinion. Even though pay may not be involved, rank or status may be. You most likely have HIPPOs in your church, be it someone on an important committee, a gifted presenter, or even your pastor. Although their ideas are often good, you do not want to limit yourselves to that one influential person’s opinion. I will describe some ways to even the playing field so all ideas get a fair consideration and solicit conversation from some of your mild mannered members.
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