Closing the Loop With Youth Ministry

For a church to continue growing, it needs a strong youth program. A major obstacle in that program is finding new and innovative ways to connect children & young adults to each other and the Bible’s teachings. To do that, you will need regular and honest feedback; and your church web strategy can be a mechanism to solicit it.
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Constrict Your Content, Not Your Audience

Christianity is unique in many ways, but one that was controversial for early believers was the inclusion of the Gentiles. Faith in Christ was not be restricted to any group, race, or nation. So how do you market your church website to a particular demographic if you want to welcome everyone? Instead of narrowing your market, focus your content to answer the most frequently asked questions of potential members.
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Let Love Shine on Your Church Web Site

Although the drivers for my ideas and topics for this blog come from secular sources; you must not forget that your church’s website is a marketing tool for the Kingdom of God. Just like how Jesus commanded us to be different from the world, so must your website. E-commerce sites do everything they can to highlight key features a product. One key feature of Christianity is Christ’s love, so show it on your website in as many ways as possible.
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Do Not Force Identities on Users

To this day I still do not understand why some companies force users to self-identify. When trying to buy a computer on a major name brand website, you must often declare if you are a home, student, and business customer. What if you are a part-time student who lives at home while running a small business? What do you choose? For church websites, do not ask if the users is an existing member, prospective member, or anything else. Present content that engages all of your target audiences and they will make their own choice.
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Yes, You Are Selling Something

Churches, get over yourselves… you are selling something.  Not in the same line as commerce sites, but you are selling something.  You are selling eternal life through our savior Jesus Christ.  Make no mistake that is your ware.  If you are comfortable with that idea, I think one can apply many common web marketing and sales techniques to a church website.
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