Boost Productivity by Removing Decisions

When you remove a decision from your life, you allow more time and energy for something else. We are often creatures of habit. This article explores areas we can embrace that trait and boost productivity. Dig in and find ways to save mental power for the decisions that matter most.

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Creating Sustainable Digital Ownership

Website are not updated, and social media accounts sit dormant. What can you do to get that lagging ministry invested in their digital properties? Build half the property yourself. Then work with ministry leaders to develop the other half. Develop a schedule and ask your leadership to help create a strong sense of digital ownership.
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Digital Solutions to Reduce Social Anxieties

Being out in public is not enjoyable for everyone. There are many situations and reasons why. What we need to remember is not to punish anyone because of it. Nor should we deny them the Gospel. Solutions exist to allow for personal connection that is not face-to-face. Here are a few scenarios and some possible solutions for these anxieties.
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Can Your Content be Weaponized?

Words and images can hurt. Those originating by our friends and family can hurt more. And those that have the supposed backing of religion can be devastating. Curate your digital ministry’s content to prevent these kinds of scars. This article goes into various ways your well-meaning content can lead to pain.
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Moving Beyond Responsive Design

We all should know about responsive design. Yet design techniques continued to evolve. Adaptive design is one of the latest buzzwords in the mobile web community. In this article I will describe the difference between responsive and adaptive design, and when each should be used.
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Helping the Weak Links in Digital Ministry

What is the best way To build up your church communications team? How can you bolster the entire church technology community? There are many approaches you can take to these problems. I suggest by helping your weakest links first. This article delves into why.
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Preparing Churches for the Zero UI Revolution

Have you ever seen an application with no user interface? Many of you have used them without even knowing it. They only need us to speak. The spectrum ranges from automated phone directories, to the Apple’s Siri. The next question is “how does this relate to my church?” The problem arises when those zero UI application cannot find information about your church. Without properly encoded data, you make programs work harder to know about your church.
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Getting Maximum ROI on Interns

The summer is winding down and college students are getting ready to head back to school. Some lucky ones had an opportunity to work as interns during their break from classes. If you have an internship program, I have some ideas how to get the most from it. If you do not, I will give you encouragement to start one.
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Know When to Take a Break

Sometimes we need to listen to the gentle whisper of God’s voice. The easiest way to do this take a queue from our anatomy. Two eyes, two ears, and one mouth. We need to look and listen more than we talk. You feel pressure to produce content and post updates. Maybe you need a change of pace. This 250th milestone article is about taking a break.
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