A Congregation of Contributors

Woman sitting in church

Are you a web team of one? Or at least a web team that seems very short on personnel? Take heart, this article will show you where the hidden talent lies within your church. Hopefully you will get the help and support you so desperately need to survive and thrive.

Because I have been working with the web for so long (fall of 1996), I often take for granted the technical language and skills that surround websites. I am not bragging when I say that I still hand code HTML and CSS, and can still write a few PHP scripts that interact with a MySQL database. Some of you just nodded your head at all this, others were lost at the word “code”. Basically I know my way around website and forget that many people are still frightened by technology. However, I have found a few areas where people who describe themselves as “non-technical” can make contributions.


Do you have a background or education in art? You may not totally get that whole technology thing, but you still understand many important concepts used in websites. Basics such as color theory, and emotional connections to designs can greatly help a technical team. Developers most likely do not understand these things, and your insights can shape an experience that will more easily connect with your audience.


If you have a camera that has more than one lens, you probably have more photography skills than myself. If your web team communicates what types of subjects they are looking for, you can certainly fill in the blank spaces on your church’s pages. Your skills can connect written content with impactful imagery that will drive home the purpose of the page.


Can you write a personal letter? How about a short story? Maybe an entire book? Although writing for the web is a little different, you can still adapt and contribute. Despite it being a different style of writing, putting ideas and thoughts into words is still an art form that requires practice. Already having this practice is a huge leap in being able to help. You can coach others on writing testimonies, help make sermon summaries more concise, and boil down ideas into 140 character updates for Twitter.

Social Media Users

Last but not least, if you possess no artistic or creative skills whatsoever, there may still be ways you can help the church. If you use social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and/or LinkedIn, and understand how to post updates; you can have huge impacts. When people write updates or take photographs; you can be the instrument that gets them out to the masses.

Action Item

Relax! As you can see, a multitude of skill sets can contribute to a website; all without being “technical”. If you are the sole technical person for your church’s website, realize that many others can help you. You or your pastor can coach them on how their talents can lend themselves to the creation and improve of a website. Then go out to lunch and enjoy some quiet time now that you have so much assistance with the website!

Note: Thank you Internet Toolbox for Churches for your inspirational article on getting involved in Internet ministry if you are not a pastor.

Photo courtesy of Anissa Thompson

Author: Stephen Morrissey

I have been making websites since 1996, and using social media since 2006. My current profession is designing user experiences for corporate software, websites, and mobile applications. I started sharing my knowledge with the world in 2011, about a year after a revival in my faith.

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