Why Website Analytics Tell Half the Story

A key advantage websites have over traditional media is the ability to track every click. Servers log every action to be later scrutinized. Yet how we interpret that data is important. It is very easy to assume we know what our users were doing. In this article, I show why it is important to find out why visitors are making these decisions.

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When to Use Gated Content at your Church

Gated content is premium website content that sits behind some type of barrier. This seems counterintuitive to the Gospel message. We are to share the Good News with the world. Yet in some cases, gated content can help your church grow. The key is knowing when to use this practice. In this article, I will dig into this technique in greater detail.

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What Church Communications Can Learn from Comics

The stories in comic books have evolved over the past few decades. They started as short books for young kids. Now they are the most popular movie franchises. This art form has grown and gained new levels of respect. See what helped it gain popularity and what makes it unique. Also, discover what church communications can learn from it.

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Inspiration from The Last Jedi

As with previous Star Wars movies, I found digital ministry lessons in The Last Jedi. Please know that this is a spoiler-free analysis of the movie. I reveal nothing about the Last Jedi’s plot. I want to relate a secular movie to your church communications. So enjoy the parallels and get ready to be inspired.

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Outdated Terms To Stop Using

Part of understanding an industry is learning its culture. A direct reflection of that culture is its language. The computer industry and its language have changed dramatically since the mid-1990s. Correctly using words gives you credibility and removes distractions. Words on your website or social media platforms are even more important. As we move into a new year, change how messaging and catch up with the times.

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Year in Review: 2017

2017 has been an interesting year with many changes. With those changes come lessons your church can learn from. This is a collection of the four most important topics. I covered some in previous articles. But I wanted to highlight them due to their recent real-world impacts. These stories have affected the audiences you serve. Be aware and let them know you are trying to be proactive.

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Helping Digital Ministries Avoid Privacy Disasters

The design decisions you make can have life-altering repercussions. We like to think that our actions are always good and will bring someone closer to God. Yet our digital worlds are very connected. Not everyone is ready to broadcast they are a Christian. How you design your campaigns and features impact your users. This article explores are few digital privacy pitfalls, and how to avoid them.

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The 90-Day Church Website Plan

Working on a church communications team can be both exciting and intimidating. You cannot wait to have an impact. You are now the digital voice of your church. Getting off to a good start is important. But where does that journey begin? Where will that path take you? Start with understanding your website. This article is based on recent success in my professional career.

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Creating A Successful Digital Ministry Onboarding Plan

Not having a plan for integrating new team members is a recipe for losing money. The longer it takes someone to start doing their job, the less impact they have. Unfortunately, many groups do not plan for this until the task is upon them. This sends a message that your people’s time and efforts do not matter. Keep reading for some common new hire pitfalls you should avoid.
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Essential Church Communications Tools

You cannot build a house without tools. And good tools make it go even faster. The same is true of building a successful digital ministry. The right combination of hardware and software will accelerate productivity. This article explores eight things your church communications team needs.
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Applying Customer Interview Results

New customer insights do not help your digital ministries unless you do something. Your church staff gave up valuable time to make these interviews a success. They will want to see the results. Explore how to apply customer interview results and help your church communications.
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Analyzing Internal Church Interview Data

Internal interviews are a great way to discover existing corporate knowledge. You get first-hand accounts of customer feedback from church staff and volunteers. Yet it may not be clear how to analyze the notes you took during those interviews. This article explores how I analyzed results of interviews I recently conducted.
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