CWS Podcast ā€“ Ep. 52: Selling a Subscription

cws-podcast-logoThe second episode I recorded for this podcast had a bold message that churches are in the eCommerce business. You are indeed marketing and selling something. While I maintain that is still true, I did not yet realize the type of sale it was. You are not selling a good, as much as you are selling a subscription. Why a subscription? Well, because Christianity is a is a lifestyle, not a one-time thing. You do not go to church once, you do it on a regular basis. You do not worship once, you do it throughout your entire life. And your visitor hopefully will not just visit your website once and be done.

Topics Covered

  • Strive to create emotional connection, and back them up with emperical data
  • Demonstrate how you are connecting to the local culture and having a positive impact

Action Item

Do not think of how your website can get someone to join your congregation. But rather, think of ways it can keep them involved for years to come. Do not use marketing and sales techniques to con people through the door. They need to be shown that the lifestyle your congregation enjoys is one they can enjoy as well.

Referenced Articles


Author: Stephen Morrissey

I have been making websites since 1996, and using social media since 2006. My current profession is designing user experiences for corporate software, websites, and mobile applications. I started sharing my knowledge with the world in 2011, about a year after a revival in my faith.