Breaking Down Silos: Church Teams

Do not create church digital experiences without consulting others in your church. This sounds simple enough, but it happens all too often. The web team changes the website and the address on printed material is no longer valid. You also need to ensure the opposite does not happen. Your youth ministry leader may start a social media account without anyone else knowing. Here are a few tools for keeping lines of communication open and flowing.
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Dealing with Extremes in Volunteerism

Most church web teams are augmented if not run by volunteers. Many of you reading this right now are helping your church out by giving your time and talents for their digital ministries. You may feel that you always need more help. Just be aware that any extreme in staffing can be a problem. Too few people wears down a team. Too many people becomes a delegation and management nightmare. Here are a few ways you can
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Security Lessons from Nehemiah (Part 1)

What digital security lessons can we learn from the book of Nehemiah? Many think that the Old Testament cannot be applied to today’s problems. They consider its lessons old and dated. This article walks through the first few parts of the story. Drawing out security lessons for your web team.
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Missions: How Your Tech Team can Serve

Your digital platforms are not the only things that can serve missions. A team of web professionals bring years of experience and a wealth of ideas to the table. Your team of paid staff and volunteers can aid missions in ways they might not have thought of. Here are a few ideas to get your team involved in mission work for your church.
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Handling Common Website Misconceptions

Often a web team gets into a difficult conversation about their website. These stem from common website misconceptions. Some decisions have several solutions that depend on many circumstances. To make matters worse, personal opinions often interfere. Here are a few difficult arguments I have encountered over the years. I also included the considerations you need to solve them. Continue reading “Handling Common Website Misconceptions”

Growing the Best Digital Team

How do you most effectively grow your church’s digital team? Through great experiences and learning opportunities. It would be easy to hire the world’s premiere web specialists. It would also be expensive. If you do not have the resources to make that happen, the next best thing is to create them yourself. This article discusses how we can best grow and nurture our digital teams.
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Adding Diversity to your Web Team

Diversity for your web team can lead to great results. While it is not a formula for success, diversity can lead to diversity in thought. Diverse thought can lead to better solutions and faster innovation. I am not saying that success is dependent upon diversity. Yet it can increase your odds. If this is so great, how can you do it more easily? That is exactly what I will discuss in this article.
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Integrating Digital Communications Teams

A web team is not a secluded bunch of techno-geeks that should not communicate with the rest of your church. Digital communications are becoming one of the most essential functions of the modern church. Your leadership needs to realize that their inclusion in many facets of the church is what will help you flourish. Meetings and discussions should rarely occur without their knowledge or input.
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Why Good Websites are Difficult

Many of you remember the days when one person ran an entire corporate website. Granted that may be true at your church right now. But most large companies now have many departments to govern their sites. How did this change happen? What can your church’s web team do to keep up? This article will explore those questions and provide insight into how you can continue to thrive with a small team.
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Tackling Web Projects One Bite at a Time

How do you eat something the size of an elephant? One bite at a time. This is simple but powerful advice for a church web team facing large projects. So many tools and activities I mention on this blog need a lot of time to put in place. One thing I am sure you do not have is the time to work on them. Yet if done in smaller chunks, these larger problems become easier to swallow.
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Website Development Methodologies

How do you make your church’s website? I am not talking about tools, but rather processes. There are several website development methodologies you can use. In this article I am explaining the three most popular methods. This includes discussing their characteristics as well as their pros, and cons. Hopefully this will educate you on what exists and what will best work at your church.
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Preventing Burnouts

If you are reading this article, I imagine you diligently work to make the best church website possible. You know the site will only be as good as you (and your team) make it. Yet if you are tired or frustrated, you will not perform well. I will admit that some of these tips do not seem like fun at first glance. I purposely avoided the obvious ideas of spending time with friends and/or family. This list is to re-energize your enthusiasm for promoting your church’s digital mission.
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