What can Star Wars Still Teach Us

Yet again I am finding inspiration from Star Wars. I noted quite a few things with the release of Episode VII. The trailers, the merchandise, and the movie were all very interesting. So what can digital ministry teams learn from this movie franchise re-launch? Here is a spoiler-free take on what you can learn from the various entities in charge of the Star Wars universe.
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Digital Ministry Lessons from Bruce Lee

Regular updates to your website and social media platforms takes discipline. You need commitment to those ministries to post consistent updates. And there is a certain amount of tenacity required to tackle tough website issues. Another space that requires discipline, commitment, and tenacity is the martial arts. This week I take lessons from one of the greatest martial artists that ever lived; Bruce Lee.
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CWS Podcast – Ep. 75: Special Edition – Faith Journey

cws-podcast-logoLast week I re-launched the podcast with a special episode on my professional journey. This week I delve into how my faith journey is so intricately woven into that same story. How a spiraling career led me back to God. Then, with perfect timing, I took my life in a completely new direction. Finally, I explain that my revival in faith led to this blog and podcast.
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CWS Podcast – Ep. 74: Special Edition – Professional Journey

cws-podcast-logoIn this episode I restart my podcast with a special message. I summarize my professional journey. This isn’t to just talk about me. I want to add some credibility to this blog and podcast. Plus I hope to inspire you to share your journey and experience with others.
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My Heroes of Digital Ministry

Last week I gushed about several people in the web industry that inspired me. Their regular sharing of knowledge gave me the information I needed to forge a career in user experience. Now I will talk about those that inspired me to continue writing about digital ministries. I am not bragging, nor am I putting anyone down. But I did not start my blog because of anyone on this list. In fact I was arrogant enough to think I was doing something new and unique. I started writing before I knew my audience. When I started researching, I discovered many others in this space. This article recognizes those that continue to encourage me.
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My Heroes of the Web

This an homage of the many people that inspired me throughout my digital journey. I started off like many of us, making crude, poorly coded websites. I made many atrocious design mistakes along the way. But thankfully I had people along the way to guide me. In this article I delve into those persons that imparted wisdom. Some wrote books, many produced podcasts. Yet each motivated me to jump into the world of user experience. And each deserves recognition as well as your attention as well. No matter where you are, there is still a lot more to learn!
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Security Lessons from Nehemiah (Part 2)

In my first article, I showed how examples of how Nehemiah prepared for security. He used his connections, asked for resources, then inspected his walls. Now comes the part where you must install those processes and measures. Nehemiah rallied the Jewish community. Then he fought attacks while building. Finally, he helped those in need. All of these are great ideas for implementing your digital security plans.
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Designing Experiences With Fewer Obstacles

Just because something must be functional does not mean it cannot be well designed. Design comes in many forms, and can be applied where and when you least expect it. Often it is just a small tweak to an existing design that can improve the ease of use. Seek out opportunities to better design an experience for your congregation and visitors. Here is an observation of two trash bins at fast food restaurants and how we can apply those lessons to a church website.
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What Skateboarders Can Teach A Web Team

Many readers live near a park. Cities all over the world feature spaces where people can congregate and enjoy life together. Yet to a certain group of people, these spaces mean something completely different. They represent physical challenges of skill, dexterity, and balance. This group of people are skateboarders. Their unique view of landscape provides a few lessons people in church communications can learn.
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CWS Podcast – Ep. 53: A Website that Deals with Sin and Shame

cws-podcast-logoForgiveness of sin by faith in Jesus is an essential foundation of Christianity. Some non-believers think they have sinned too much to be a Christian. Yet this is not the only obstacle they face. A staggering number of men and women feel they cannot have a relationship with God because of sins committed against them. Websites need to not only address how we can be cleansed of the sins we commit, but also the heavy baggage of shame for those committed against us.
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A Year in Review: 2014

I am amazed that yet another year of writing is behind me. The time went by quickly as usual, and now I get to review and reflect on what I have learned. Not to waste a post, I will of course relate it to your church’s digital strategy. First is my stumbling upon a weekly Twitter chat for church social media enthusiasts. I also reflection on a year of podcasting. Last I make a plea to re-think about your positioning for the mobile space.
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CWS Podcast – Ep. 37: Let Love Shine On Your Website

cws-podcast-logoIn case you didn’t figure it out the past two weeks, I’m doing a few episodes focused around ideas for church websites that came from church sermons. If you were hoping to get the latest insights into Google’s search algorithms, you’ll have to look elsewhere. But this week I wrap up this Gospel-inspired streak with the subject of how to let love shine on your church website. Although the drivers for my ideas and topics for this blog come from secular sources; you must not forget that your church’s website is a marketing tool that is selling something. Just like every eCommerce site, highlight the key features of your product. One key feature of Christianity is Christ’s love, so show it on your website in as many ways as possible.
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