Boost Productivity by Removing Decisions

When you remove a decision from your life, you allow more time and energy for something else. We are often creatures of habit. This article explores areas we can embrace that trait and boost productivity. Dig in and find ways to save mental power for the decisions that matter most.

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Creating Sustainable Digital Ownership

Website are not updated, and social media accounts sit dormant. What can you do to get that lagging ministry invested in their digital properties? Build half the property yourself. Then work with ministry leaders to develop the other half. Develop a schedule and ask your leadership to help create a strong sense of digital ownership.
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Helping the Weak Links in Digital Ministry

What is the best way To build up your church communications team? How can you bolster the entire church technology community? There are many approaches you can take to these problems. I suggest by helping your weakest links first. This article delves into why.
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Getting Maximum ROI on Interns

The summer is winding down and college students are getting ready to head back to school. Some lucky ones had an opportunity to work as interns during their break from classes. If you have an internship program, I have some ideas how to get the most from it. If you do not, I will give you encouragement to start one.
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How Cadence Helps your Digital Ministries

When your church’s digital teams work at a regular cadence, you become more predictable. This is a good thing. It sets expectations of both your audience and stakeholders. It also helps teams become more sustainable. Here are a few key areas that will make church communications more effective over time.
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Recruiting Volunteers from Non-Technical Professions

When you look for web team volunteers, do not just focus on computer geeks. Many other professions provide valuable insight, perspective, and content. Learn how to spot that hidden talent in your congregation. Many will worry they are not tech savvy enough to make your site shine. Reassure them that enthusiasm and a teachable attitude is all that is required.
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Why your church web team needs project post-mortems

A post-mortem is a special meeting to help analyze the successes and failures of a project. No, you do not need a medical background. You just need the skills to run a meeting well. In this article I will discuss church web projects in particular. I will start off with the benefits of a post-mortem, as well as how to prepare. Then move into how to conduct them. I will wrap up with the deliverables and how to use them for future success.
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Breaking Down Silos: Church Teams

Do not create church digital experiences without consulting others in your church. This sounds simple enough, but it happens all too often. The web team changes the website and the address on printed material is no longer valid. You also need to ensure the opposite does not happen. Your youth ministry leader may start a social media account without anyone else knowing. Here are a few tools for keeping lines of communication open and flowing.
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Breaking Down Silos: Analog Experiences

When you break down silos, information and ideas flow from one thing to the next. Experiences do not always start or end with your church website. Many of you have called for a product or service, only to get transferred from one person to another. Every time you needed to re-explain your situation. It is obvious that the company you are dealing with thought about seamless experiences. This article will provide tools and advice on how to avoid these situations at your church.
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Dealing with Extremes in Volunteerism

Most church web teams are augmented if not run by volunteers. Many of you reading this right now are helping your church out by giving your time and talents for their digital ministries. You may feel that you always need more help. Just be aware that any extreme in staffing can be a problem. Too few people wears down a team. Too many people becomes a delegation and management nightmare. Here are a few ways you can
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