Avoiding Unintended Metrics

If you cannot measure it, you cannot change it. Many of you know this and try to measure as many aspects of your website as possible. These analytics provide you with an overwhelming amount of information. Yet, I caution you about what numbers you try to change. In some cases, there are unintended consequences to your metrics. Here are some tips on how to avoid or at least be prepared for them.

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The Power of Checklists in Church Communications

Checklists are essential for consistent execution of any communications projects. They help even the most seasoned professional remember every step in a process. Even the most experienced staff member needs to stay on track. Do you think otherwise? Consider pilots and surgeons. These highly-skilled professionals use the power checklists to ensure mistakes are not made. This article delves into several ways checklists can help your team succeed.

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Coping with Church Scandals in a Digital World

The news is rife with stories of high-profile people abusing positions of authority. A recent story close to my heart is sex abuse scandals in my home state of Pennsylvania. How does the church react to such accusations and scandal? How we react on our digital platforms is closely scrutinized. Here is my playbook for what to do if a scandal hits your area or church.
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The 90-Day Church Website Plan

Working on a church communications team can be both exciting and intimidating. You cannot wait to have an impact. You are now the digital voice of your church. Getting off to a good start is important. But where does that journey begin? Where will that path take you? Start with understanding your website. This article is based on recent success in my professional career.

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Creating A Successful Digital Ministry Onboarding Plan

Not having a plan for integrating new team members is a recipe for losing money. The longer it takes someone to start doing their job, the less impact they have. Unfortunately, many groups do not plan for this until the task is upon them. This sends a message that your people’s time and efforts do not matter. Keep reading for some common new hire pitfalls you should avoid.
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Essential Church Communications Tools

You cannot build a house without tools. And good tools make it go even faster. The same is true of building a successful digital ministry. The right combination of hardware and software will accelerate productivity. This article explores eight things your church communications team needs.
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Applying Customer Interview Results

New customer insights do not help your digital ministries unless you do something. Your church staff gave up valuable time to make these interviews a success. They will want to see the results. Explore how to apply customer interview results and help your church communications.
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Cultivating your Web Team’s Culture

What culture does your web team have? If you are a team of one, that is an easy question. But it is more difficult if an entire communications team supports your church. If you are the leader, you have a heavy burden on your shoulders. You dictate what the culture is for your team. Here are a few insights on how you can positively impact your mission.
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Boost Productivity by Removing Decisions

When you remove a decision from your life, you allow more time and energy for something else. We are often creatures of habit. This article explores areas we can embrace that trait and boost productivity. Dig in and find ways to save mental power for the decisions that matter most.

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Creating Sustainable Digital Ownership

Website are not updated, and social media accounts sit dormant. What can you do to get that lagging ministry invested in their digital properties? Build half the property yourself. Then work with ministry leaders to develop the other half. Develop a schedule and ask your leadership to help create a strong sense of digital ownership.
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