When to Create High- vs Low-Fidelity Prototypes

What kind of prototype works best in which situations? When should you create high-fidelity mockups? When will a low-fidelity wireframe suffice? Does your team know the difference and what the benefits of each are? Read more to better understand this essential UI/UX tool and how to use it well.

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Church Brochures Vs. Church Websites

If you are a church that was founded before the late 90’s, you probably have some printed material that you wanted to move to a website. However, your church website is not just an electronic brochure you can hand people. As many studies have suggested, the majority of website content is skimmed, not read. Because of this, the content you may have developed for a printed brochure is not suitable to copy and paste to your website. Plus there are many limitations brochures have that websites do not. In this article, I will compare and contrast content strategies for both mediums.

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