CWS Podcast – Ep. 31: Inspiration from a Conversation

cws_podcastI started this podcast with an episode about conversations, and workplace experience compelled to revisit the topic. Often everyday experiences can be leveraged for writing. In this case, I gained inspiration from a conversation, and the questions that arose from it made me think about what can be lost in translation. The weakest form of communication, writing, is what we primarily rely on for our websites. A renewed focus on your church website’s content will help improve your message, and further the Gospel.

Topics covered are:

  • Making content too short, leaving users with more questions
  • Being too verbose, making users wanting to abandon your site
  • Where to move longer content and how to better utilize it

Action Item: Examine your church website’s content on your site in light of this article. For additional help, listen my podcasts on conversations and writing for the web. Then consider if your answers are too short, too long, or just right for your audience. If you feel you need to add more, write it as a blog and keep your main site clear and focused on your message. Plus a blog with more personal content can become a regular outlet for your church, and provide you with great snippets to post on social media outlets.

Footnote: The conversation that sparked the article and subsequent podcast was real. Unfortunately my co-worker was indeed unhappy, but later conversations proved beneficial.

Referenced Articles


Author: Stephen Morrissey

I have been making websites since 1996, and using social media since 2006. My current profession is designing user experiences for corporate software, websites, and mobile applications. I started sharing my knowledge with the world in 2011, about a year after a revival in my faith.