Encourage “I Don’t Know”

If how to create websites was figured out, a lot companies and people (myself included) would be out of business. I consider this to be an amazing period of time because we are still inventing, experimenting, and exploring how to fully utilize web technologies. Thus, in many cases when problems are set before us, we have no clear-cut way to solve it yet. Web teams need to become more comfortable with saying three very difficult words, “I don’t know”, and in this article I will outline when it is OK to say it.
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Serving on a Church Website Team

So you want to be a web geek for us? Many smaller churches jump at the opportunity to bring someone into the fold and help volunteer their time and talent. Yet in 1 Timothy 3:1-13, Paul outlines some very specific things you should consider before bringing them into your ranks. How can you apply them to your website team?
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Be A Better Web Professional: Education Sources

Many times the church website is only as good as the people making it. Even if you are stuck being the “web person” because nobody else wanted the job; I implore you to find time to sharpen your skills. Over the years I have found a multitude of education sources that will not only make you a better web professional, but will push you to create a higher quality website for your church.
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When Your Pastor Does Not Care

If you are reading any of my articles, you probably feel that your website could use some help. One of the driving factors behind a good church website is the pastor. They are considered the leaders of the church, and have a profound impact on how regularly your church’s website is updated. However, when your pastor is not participating or even against your website strategy, there is still hope.
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A Congregation of Contributors

Are you a web team of one? Or at least a web team that seems very short on personnel? Take heart, this article will show you where the hidden talent lies within your church. Hopefully you will get the help and support you so desperately need to survive and thrive.

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Does Your Church Need an Intranet?

There are two ways to have more money in a business; increase your intake, and decrease your costs. Churches often look at how they can bring in more money through donations and fundraisers. Cutting costs is more difficult to swallow, as many churches are already running on tight budgets. By utilizing tools to increase productivity of the existing staff, you can avoid job and salary cuts while still advancing your ministries.

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Your Opinion Really Does Not Matter

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you are a pastor in your late 40’s, your opinion of a website aimed at an early 20’s audience really does not matter. Well now that the awkward part of this article is over, I will move on to what really counts; and that is if your church website is meeting the established business goals. In this article I will explore different ways the decision makers can provide good feedback and shape a great experience for your target audience.
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Equip Your Members and Engage the World

The first time I tried to take the Gospel into the world was very scary. I was in my early teens and was handing out flyers for my church’s Vacation Bible School. We decided to target our surrounding neighborhood, going door-to-door with small pamphlets. I recall only one feeling, fear. What if they want to talk to me? What do I say? I was ill prepared to say the least. My hope is that you utilize your church’s website to better prepare your members for engaging the world in a discussion about Jesus.

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Web Team Meetings Part 3: Dealing with HIPPOs

In two previous articles I discussed web meetings and who to invite, and what to do. However one touchy subject not yet covered is that of a HIPPOs or Highest Paid Person’s Opinion. Even though pay may not be involved, you may have HIPPOs in your church; be it someone on a committee, or even your pastor. Although their ideas are often good, you do not want to limit yourselves to that one influential person. I will describe some ways to solicit conversation from some of your mild mannered members, as well as ways to even the playing field so all ideas get a fair consideration.
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Web Team Meetings Part 2: What To Do

In a previous article, I talked about who should be part of your core website team for your church. Yet what should you do once you all get in the same room together? The first few meetings will probably involve creating the church’s overall web strategy, which connects your business goals with how the website will help you obtain them. Subsequent meetings will involve more tactical objectives, including individual projects. But the key to obtaining and eventually measuring success will based on how disciplined you are with both your discussions and documentation.

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Web Team Meetings Part 1: Who To Invite

Church websites often start with one person who knows a little HTML, and the guidance of “go make us a website”. However as more people in the church get involved and interested in what the website can do, decisions become very complicated. So how do you form that winning team? A few key players in your church can meet and help your website exceed the expectations of everyone at your church.

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Documenting Your Church’s History

As your church moves on through history, what records are you keeping? What will the next generation read about your church’s journey? In this digital age, keeping records is easier than ever. Much like any other culture, churches are proud of their history. Although many families move frequently, some do stay in the cities they grew up in. Plus many people may come back to the city they were raised to research their family history. It would be great for them to see that information through the lens of your church.

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